Do you have a Safe-Return Plan? Yes, Here is the Link. If anything changes, parents will be notified.

Do you have to be Lutheran to attend?

No, children of any faith are welcome to attend.  St. Paul's desires to offer a quality Christian education to any family who would like to have that experience for their child. Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing and structured environment for students to learn, make friends and live as disciples of Jesus Christ in this life and the next.

What are the qualifications of the teaching staff?

St. Paul's holds a Certificate with the Maryland State Department of Education. The State requires that all teachers of the basic core subjects hold a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent. The staff of St. Paul's meets and exceeds this requirement. One third of our teachers have Masters Degrees and all teachers are expected to be certified by the State of Maryland or working towards that goal.

What is the student to teacher ratio?

The maximum class size for the three year old program and the four year old program is 20 students.  The three year old and four year old programs each have one assistant. The maximum number for each Kindergarten class is 15 and each have a shared full time assistant. The average class size for grades 1-5 is 20.

Does St. Paul's offer a foreign language?

We are currently looking for a part-time Spanish teacher for our Middle School elective.

Do Kindergartners learn to read?

Some Kindergartners will be reading before the end of Kindergarten. However, we do not "push" children to accomplish this goal at that age. Children develop in specific ways, but not all at the same time. Learning to read includes being able to follow directions, complete a task, the ability to focus and a certain amount of eye-hand coordination. Some children may not start reading until First Grade but that does not mean they are "behind." 

How can the curriculum of St. Paul's be described?

A brief synopsis of the curriculum grade by grade is provided for interested parents. Our curriculum is determined by the teaching staff of St. Paul's. We rely on the various publishers such as Houghton Mifflin, Macmillan, etc. Our curriculum is also compared to the Maryland State Voluntary Curriculum. We want to provide academic success for all of our students. The key to learning is in the ability of the teacher to help each student learn. The support and involvement of the parents is invaluable.

Does St. Paul's offer gifted and talented programs?

In grades 3rd through 5th, an independent novel study program is offered for qualified students. Math in grades 7th and 8th allows qualified students to take pre-algebra and algebra. In other subjects, each teacher works to provide differentiated instruction that will meet the needs of the various students.

Does St. Paul's offer support for students who require it?

Yes, St. Paul's has a Student Support program that enables students who need additional individual help to receive it. In most cases, these students are pulled out of regular class at an appropriate time to work individually with the Student Support teacher or in a small group. Once a week, the Middle School offers a Math Lab for any student wishing to have additional help. St. Paul's is not able to meet the needs of some students who qualify for intense special education. In addition to academic support, St. Paul's has a school counselor for the elementary grades and the middle school grades.

What types of electives are offered for Middle School students?

Middle School students may sign up for Art activities and PE choices. Those PE choices include soccer, martial arts and mixed sports. These are taught by a qualified off campus instructors that come to our school each week. We also offer Golf, Swimming and SALT (Community Service) which sometimes meets off campus.

Do students have access to computers and the Internet?

Yes, students in 4th and 5th grades have a regular computer class in a lab setting. Pre-school children have computers in their classrooms. All grades learn to use the computer as a tool and use technology organically in their curriculum. They learn keyboarding, Word/Google Docs, PowerPoint/Google Slides, Excel/Google Sheets, Google Drive, and Gmail. Internet access is permitted only at approved sites. 

What kind of extra-curricula activities does St. Paul's have?

Band lessons are given during the day, but the total band rehearsal is after school. In Middle School, there is an Art Club and a Robotics Club. St. Paul’s also offers an after school Athletic Program.

Are there opportunities for parents to volunteer?

Yes, teachers invite parents to help out in the classroom as needed. In most cases, it works best if a parent can come at a regular time and on a regular day. Classes also have room parents who assist with parties and a variety of other activities. There are also special events throughout the year when parents are asked to volunteer.

Where do students attend after they graduate from St. Paul's?

Graduating students attend Annapolis Area Christian School, Archbishop Spalding, Mount St. Joseph or other neighboring Christian high schools. Some of our students enroll in Anne Arundel County public high schools.

What security measures does St. Paul's have in place?

All visitors are required to provide their drivers' license which is then scanned into a data base. The two school buildings are enclosed with an access control system in place. Visitors ring a bell for admission and are visible on camera before access is granted. All staff workers are required to wear an ID badge. 

Does St. Paul's have uniforms?

Yes, students in grades K through 8th are required to wear a specified uniform. All uniforms must be purchased from Flynn O'Hara in Glen Burnie. St. Paul's also has a uniform exchange where parents can turn in uniforms in good condition and other parents are welcome to re-use them.

Is there a Before and After School Care Program?

Yes, St. Paul's offers a Before and After Care program that is in compliance with all Maryland State requirements. Before School Care is available at 7 AM and After School Care is available until 6 PM.

Does St. Paul's have a hot lunch program?

Yes, a hot lunch is offered everyday. Meals include tuna, spaghetti, pizza, tacos, chicken noodle soup, cheeseburgers and other items. On Wednesdays, food from Chick-fil-A is available for purchase. Milk and juice is available for purchase for students who bring their lunch. Parents can send in money to place on an account. As students receive their lunch the cost is deducted from the account.

How can I keep up with the assignments and the progress of my child?

St. Paul's has a web based school information system. Parents receive a screen name and password to access grades and other information about their child(ren). A variety of information is placed on this website including class assignments.